Industrail Electronic Repairing Company |
Over 11+ Years of Quality Repair | 3.5K+ Drive Repaired
Unique Power Technologies

Brands Which We Repair

Has your industrial electronics manufacturer told you that support has been canceled for your automation system? Has every repair shop you called said that there was nothing to be done but replace the entire thing with new components?

It's not over. We are brand-agnostic and do not make any money for pushing a particular brand's upgrade. If you need something fixed but not replaced, we will do that. If you want a new system, we can do that, too.

Our technicians are here to help you determine the most cost-effective way forward to get all the value possible from your investment.

Don’t worry about the age of your:

  • AC and DC motor drives
  • Variable frequency drives (VFDs)
  • Soft starts
  • Programmable logic controllers (PLCs)
  • Electronic motor controls
  • Machine automation

Do you want free diagnostics?

Get free diagnostics when ordering online from our website

+1800 385 4827


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